In the Beautiful Qu'Appelle Valley at the south end of Last Mountain Lake (93 km long)
land for sale in the Qu'Appelle Valley 

BIG VALLEY Acres consists of 768 Acres of Undeveloped, Undisturbed land on the west and east sides of the Qu'Appelle Valley.  There are 3 kilometres (2 miles) of Valley Front Property on the west side of the valley all overlooking the Valeport Game Preserve and Bird Sanctuary.

There are 552 Acres on the west side and 216 Acres on the east side of the Valley.  The 2 areas are connected by abandoned roadway through the Game Preserve.  The Valley is a mile wide.  White Tail and Mule Deer roam the Big Valley year-round.

BIG VALLEY Acres is directly under the North American Migratory Game Bird Flyway.  Thousands of Geese, Ducks, Cranes, Pelicans and Swans use The Valeport Game Preserve and Bird Sanctuary as a haven each year during their migration.  Many of them stay and nest here in the spring.

The 216 Acres in the RM of Lumsden are adjacent to the 336 Acres of land in parcels 1-6: The BIG VALLEY Nature Preserve. This land is owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada whose mandate is to leave undeveloped land, UNDEVELOPED FOREVER! This policy Guarantees that there will NEVER be any residential or commercial development on this 3 Kilometre stretch of Valley Front Property. You can walk on it or Ride horses on this property. What you see now, will be what you will see FOREVER! Parcel 3 borders a 1 kilometre walkway that will take you to the bridge over the Qu'Appelle River and to the other side of the valley.

LINKS OF INTEREST - CLICK on each Link for more information.

Click on Each Photo Below to See the Full, 180° Panoramic View From That Location.

A Totally SECLUDED, Incomparable, ONE-OF-A-KIND Property!

It's a Nature Lover's PARADISE!

3 Kilometers of VALLEY FRONT PROPERTY overlooking a Game Preserve.

One of The BEST Properties in CANADA to buy if you plan
on building your
DREAM HOME in the country.

Ducks, Geese, Pelicans, Swans, Beavers and Deer are your only neighbours.

Only 25 MINUTES from Regina, Saskatchewan.

Beaver Dam

4 Deer Strolling Through the Valley

2 Deer by the Beaver Dam.


For out of town appointments to view the property
call David Ash at 1-306-596-7272.

For more information about this Totally Secluded
One-Of-A-Kind Property
contact David Ash at:

in the beautiful Qu'Appelle Valley
near Lumsden and Craven, Saskatchewan, CANADA.

(306) 596-7272

CLICK HERE to go to BIG VALLEY Acres Website.
CLICK HERE to view an overhead Map of BIG VALLEY Acres.

Business Opportunities and Homes For Sale

This Page Last Revised
 May 04, 2015

Email: Eric Jordan
Email Larry Davison

to find out how you can advertise
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ŠPinServices Ltd. 2015

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please let us know as soon as possible and we will investigate for you. E-mail: or call 1-877-270-3092.