Neepawa and District Chamber of Commerce

For more information on joining
the Neepawa and District Chamber of Commerce
please visit their website at

Get a quote to list your business for sale on
1 - 800 - 606 - 0310

*$500 OFF!

$500 will be deducted from your quoted advertising fee
if you are a current member of the Neepawa and District Chamber of Commerce
and you list with the website after June 24th, 2005.

*This does not apply to businesses listed on prior to June 24th, 2005. is an INTERNATIONAL Business to Business Internet Portal.
(The largest of its kind based in Canada) has paper advertising DAILY in every city
and most towns and villages across the US and Canada.

JOB 1 - FINDING THE BUYER - You want to find a buyer/investor. Our advertising can do that for you. An interested buyer/investor looking to purchase a business should find our site thru the Internet or from the major papers we advertise in. WE REACH THE MARKET.


  • Top of the Internet around the world.
  • Paper advertising in 60 Countries.
  • USA Today Worldwide Edition - DAILY advertising
  • INCREDIBLE REACH - over 2.2 million papers per day. - 2.6 million on Weekends

the TOP 25 markets where USA Today is sold.

New York 131,394 USA Today sold daily
Los Angeles 82,212 USA Today sold daily
Chicago 71,403 USA Today sold daily
Philadelphia 68,221 USA Today sold daily
San Francisco/ San Jose 51,511 - Boston 58,646 - Dallas/ Fort Worth 44,996 - Washington, DC 93,717 - Atlanta 70,847 - Detroit 47,106 - Houston 33,599 Seattle/Tacoma 33,839 - Tampa/St. Petersburg/Sarasota 30,564 - Minneapolis/St. Paul 33,291 - Cleveland 35,458 - Phoenix 49,087 - Miami/Ft. Lauderdale 37,163 - Denver 30,599 - Sacramento/Stockton/Modesto 17,513 - Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne 58,842 - Pittsburgh 34,544 - St. Louis 31,065 - Portland 20,741 - Baltimore 27,398 - Indianapolis 29,129
Europe and the Middle East 52,000 papers per day.
Asia Pacific 11,000 papers per day

We currently advertise DAILY
in the big newspapers across Canada

  • Globe and Mail Publishes Daily except Sunday
    (Toronto and Nationwide)

  • Winnipeg Free Press Publishes 7 days a week
    (Manitoba’s Premier Daily also reaches North Western Ontario)

  • Calgary Herald Publishes 7 days a week
    (Premier Daily in Calgary and the Southern half of Alberta)

  • Edmonton Journal Publishes 7 days a week
    (Premier Daily in Edmonton, Northern AB and a part section of Northern Canada)

  • Vancouver Sun Publishes Daily except Sunday
    (Premier Publication in British Columbia and Yukon)

This is the ad we run daily in the Vancouver Sun (with the logo)

1000 Family Businesses
1000 Family Businesses
Sell it Today - On Pin.CA
Hotels - Hunting and Fishing
Lodges- Oil/Gas and Energy
Projects- Farms and Acreages
604 582 0011 or Toll Free
877 270 3092 - 

Our visibility is growing all the time as we are constantly buying more media. The clients we dealt with 2 years ago are getting much more promotion now than when they signed on with us. We have consistently delivered more exposure in each of the past 7 years and we expect to continue that pattern over the next 7 years.

 Check out our radio spot
 So far we have $180,000 in radio advertising in 2005. 
 ($30,000 of this is in US) RECEIVES OVER 3 MILLION HITS PER MONTH!

  • 3.105 Million hits January 2005

  • 3.54 Million hits in March 2005

  • 3.20 Million hits in April of 2005

  • 2.58 Million hits in September 2004

40% from Canada
40% from US
20% from the rest of the world.

Most of what we deal with is businesses for sale and business opportunities/franchises, exposing projects which need funding.


The marketplace is not foolish. No matter how much advertising I do, the asking price and the words and pictures of your presentation on my site have to convey a value equal to your asking price. The prospective buyer views the pictures and reads the words. If they think the value is not there, you will get no response. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRICING YOUR OFFERING CORRECTLY.

We reach the marketplace.
We have interested buyers looking on our website.

When you advertise with us one of 2 things will happen.

A) Your offering is of interest to the marketplace at the price you are asking and the marketplace responds.


B) The marketplace may look at your offering and decide they are not interested in contacting you as they don't perceive value at the price you are asking.

3) NEGOTIATING - We are not real estate agents and we do not negotiate for you.  Our job, should you choose to engage us, will be to advertise your opportunity to the marketplace, which we do very well.  If you should need help with presenting your business or explaining the value of your business, I suggest having your accountant or lawyer work with you on this aspect.  FINDING A BUYER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF SELLING but you must also have a plan for dealing with the buyer.

We extend credit to you and we allow you to pay us the advertising fee from proceeds of sale.  All we require is that we can ensure payment as we spend hundreds of thousands in advertising each year and have to be able to recoup these expenditures.  Our advertising fee is set at the start and is not dependent upon any particular sale/price being achieved.

We have been at this for 7 years. Our growth rate increases each year. We work on a 'gather and funnel' principle.  We attract/gather the opportunity seeker as they look through publications such as USA Today, the Globe and Mail, the Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Winnipeg Free Press, Business in Vancouver, Western Investor and others.  We attract/gather the opportunity seeker as they find us through newspapers, television or Internet search engines.  Once they find us we funnel them into our listings on the Pin Website.

If you go to Google, the biggest search engine in the world, and type in:

business for sale ont
business for sale mb
or; business for sale ab
or; business for sale sk
or; business for sale bc
or; business for sale Canada
or; business for sale ca
(California is a popular search for Americans)

You will find we are at or very near the top on hundreds if not thousands of searches on Google and other search engine searches. Once someone finds our website they generally return as we have earned their respect and have real opportunities available for every size and taste.


  • We reach the marketplace better than any other way I know.

  • What if I told you the cost of advertising would generally be 1% to 3% of the value of what you are selling?  What if I told you we could provide the advertising for as long as it takes to get the job done for you and allowed you to pay us from the proceeds of sale? *Small setup fee applies in most listings.

For more information on joining
the Neepawa and District Chamber of Commerce
please visit their website at


Neepawa and District Chamber of Commerce

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© Pin Services Ltd. 2005

This Page Last Revised
 June 30, 2005

Is this YOUR ad?
Need changes made?
Just email

If you have any difficulty reaching the seller by phone or email, (undeliverable mail, phone number no longer in service, etc.)
please let us know as soon as possible and we will investigate for you. E-mail: or call 1-877-270-3092.

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